Windlesham House School Sports Centre
Set in the extensive grounds of a Grade II listed independent school in the heart of the South Downs National Park, we took on the role of architect to the Design & Build Contractor on this new build stand-alone sports centre. Taking the scheme forward post-planning to rationalise all the internal support functions to meet the requirements of a revised brief, take due cognizance of Sport England recommendations and comply with Building Regulations, without impacting on the external appearance to an extent that would require a new planning application.
Comprised of a series of simple interlocking cube forms each clad in varying textures intended to weather over time to blend in with the natural woodland setting, the building boasts a biodiverse green roof that from the surrounding hillsides helps it to blend in with its surroundings.
Officially opened by former Olympic swimmer Mark Foster, and highly commended in the Sussex Heritage Trust Public and Community Awards, 2018.

New build sports centre for Windlesham House School

New build sports centre for Windlesham House School

New build sports centre for Windlesham House School

New build sports centre for Windlesham House School
Windlesham House School Sports Centre
North End, Worthing
Windlesham House School